Those whose relationship is doomed to fail are said to be “star-crossed”.


My Universe: A Star-Crossed Zine is an unofficial collaborative fanzine project dedicated to ALIEN STAGE, aiming to depict the duality between the idealistic personas on stage, versus the truth of the characters behind the curtain.A joint project between My Universe and STAR ✦ CROSSED.나의 우주: 별이 교차하는 팬진은 ALIEN STAGE(에일리언 스테이지)에 전념하는 비공식적인 협력의 팬진 프로젝트로, 무대 위의 이상주의적 인물들과 커튼 뒤에 숨겨진 인물들의 진실 사이의 이중성을 묘사하는 것을 목표로 합니다.


the main zine itself will be available in both a physical and digital format, depending on the results of interest checks
- along with the possibility of a digital side zine with extra tidbits!


available merch will include:
- stickers
- keychains
- charms
- acrylic stands
- photocards
- prints
- digital wallpapers
and more, depending on the results of interest checks

This project is run by fans and the community, and is in no way officially affiliated with ALIEN STAGE, VIVINOS, QMENG, or STUDIO LICO.


Project LaunchApril
Interest Check24 Apr - 1 June
Mod Applications15 May - 1 June
.....Mod Application Results.....10 June
Contributor Applications20 June - 20 July
.....Contributor Application Results.....10 Aug
.....Applicant Confirmation Deadline.....20 Aug
Creation Period20 Aug - January
.....Pitches Due.....1 Sep
.....Check-In 1.....1 Oct
.....Check-In 2.....15 Nov
.....Check-In 3.....15 Dec
.....Final Check-In.....15 Jan
Pre-order PeriodEst. February
Estimated Shipping PeriodTBD

Mod Team


co-Head + Merch


co-head + art + format


co-head + art




graphics + carrd


writing + communication


social media


social media


merch mod intern







Questions & Answers

Q: What is a zine?A: A zine is a limited-run self-publication run by an individual or small group centered around a theme or topic - usually in the form of a book or booklet. The contents of a zine can vary between project to project, but are usually a collection of art pieces, written works, and can even include merchandise.
Read more about zines here.
Q: What is the financial nature of this zine?A: This is a for-charity zine. Amounts are firstly used to cover production, then mod and contributor copies, and the entire remainder will be donated to a Pro-Palestinian charity or the production of ALNST.Q: Will this be a physical or digital zine?A: We aim to have both a physical and digital zine, paired with physical merchandise and a digital side bundle.Q: What are the contents of the zine?A: There will be full spread and page illustrations, alongside written works that are accompanied by art pieces and musical arrangements of the ALNST soundtrack.Q: Is the zine SFW or NSFW?A: This is a mainly SFW zine that includes the darker themes portrayed in Alien Stage, such as slight gore or blood.


Zine Information - 팬진 정보

My Universe: A Star-Crossed Zine is an unofficial collaborative fanzine project dedicated to ALIEN STAGE, aiming to depict the duality between the idealistic personas on stage, versus the truth of the characters behind the curtain. The book aims to depict the various relationships between the characters, centered around the theme of a glass prism, where a single ray of light shoots into a rainbow of colours.The content of this zine is not primarily focused on the romance between characters, and more on their in-universe dynamics and tragedy of their narrative. The content will be divided by Rounds for ease of reading.The zine will be SFW, but includes the darker elements of ALIEN STAGE such as slight gore or blood.This is a for-charity zine. Amounts earned will first be used to cover production. Any leftover funds will be used to cover contributor copies and compensation of contributors & mods. The remainder will be donated to a pro-Palestinian charity (complete with receipts). We're currently looking for ways to donate to the ALNST production team.나의 우주: 별이 교차하는 팬진은 ALIEN STAGE(에일리언 스테이지)에 전념하는 비공식적인 협력의 팬진 프로젝트로, 무대 위의 이상주의적 인물들과 커튼 뒤에 숨겨진 인물들의 진실 사이의 이중성을 묘사하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 책은 한 줄의 빛이 색깔의 무지개를 향해 쏘아지는 유리 프리즘이라는 주제를 중심으로 인물들 사이의 다양한 관계를 묘사하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
이 팬진의 내용은 주로 인물들 간의 로맨스에 초점이 맞추어져 있지 않으며, 그들의 우주 내 역학과 서사의 비극에 더 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 읽기 쉽도록 라운드별로 내용을 나눌 것입니다.
이 팬진은 적절한 내용을 포함할 것이지만, 약간의 잔인성이나 피와 같은 에이스테 의 어두운 요소도 포함합니다.이것은 자선을 위한 팬진입니다. 벌어들인 금액은 먼저 제작비로 사용될 것입니다. 남은 자금은 기부자 사본과 기부자 및 관리자 보상비로 사용될 것입니다. 나머지는 친팔레스타인 자선단체 (영수증 포함)에 기부될 것입니다. 저희는 현재 에이스테 제작진에게 기부할 방법을 찾고 있습니다.

Contributor Info

On board, we have:
- 35 Page Artists
- 10 Merch Artists
- 8 Writers
All applicants will receive both a digital and physical copy of the zine.


Artists have been evaluated on:
- colors, lighting/shading, anatomy, composition, backgrounds, and stylistic choices.
Applicant artists submitted:
- At least 3 pieces that best display the style they will use in the zine
- Of those pieces, at least 1 must depict ALNST
- (Optional) Preferably, pieces with full color and backgrounds
- (Optional) A pitch on possible ideas upon application
- A portfolio of their best pieces
Any links are accepted (e.g. Google Drive, Instagram, Twitter, Artstation) provided they are all accessible.Artists have the option of being a spot artist (accompanying artist for a writer), page artist, or either.


Writers have been evaluated on:
- Plot, characterization, themes, dialogue, grammar, and style/flair.
Applicant writers submitted:
- At least 3 sample pieces between 1.5k - 3k words
- Can be excerpts of longer works
- Of those pieces, at least 1 must be about ALNST
- At least one full work
- (Optional) A pitch on possible ideas upon application
Any links are accepted (e.g. Google Docs, AO3) provided they are all accessible.

Merch Artists

Artists have been evaluated on:
- colors, anatomy, merchandise versatility, and stylistic choices.
Applicant artists submitted:
- At least 3 pieces that best display the style they will use in merch
- (Optional) Depict ALNST
- (Optional) A pitch on possible ideas upon application
- A portfolio of past works and merchandise items
Any links are accepted (e.g. Google Drive, Twitter, Etsy) provided they are all accessible.


Thank you for all the applications! All application results have been sent via e-mail, and we kindly ask that applicants please check their inbox and spam folder.In the case that you still haven't received an e-mail from us, please contact us on Twitter or send an e-mail to [email protected]!

Contributor Guidelines

Please let us know if you may be late to check-ins or any submissions! We understand that unexpected circumstances happen.

Check-In Summary

Mods will communicate to you through your designated channels for feedback or any added notes! Additionally, please ensure your notifications are on or your DMs are open to us during Check-ins.(All Artists) If the piece you are creating requires a template, please keep the frame layers on when exporting so we can ensure the design fits within the correct parameters.

ContributorNaming ConventionFile Requirements
Page ArtistCreditName_checkin#
e.g. khuo_checkin1
- PDF, JPG, or PNG
- 400 DPI and CMYK color mode
e.g. kryouma_eyeshandsheart
Any working title is fine, as this is continually updated.
- Google Doc
Merch ArtistCreditName_checkin#- Digital: PNG
- Physical: PSD
- 300 DPI and RGB color mode
Oct 1
Artists: Somewhere between a sketch or quarter-way through to a final product will be submitted. A perfect sketch isn't expected! At minimum, we hope for a sketch that will help us understand your composition and keep everyone on pace.
Writers: You should have an idea of where your piece is heading, and a few hundred words done OR a complete outline of what you will write!
Nov 15
Artists: Half way, your pieces should be coming together. That could mean lineart, or colours.
Writers: You should have a concrete idea of your piece and have about half your writing done!
Dec 15
Artists: Majority completed, and you should be up to rendering or final touches.
Writers: Most (if not all) of your main writing is done. You’re adding the final touches to your work.
Jan 15
ALL: Final files are submitted.

Final Submissions Summary

All final files must be at full resolution.(Merch Artists) If the merch you are creating has several parts (i.e a standee; the stand and the base, or a double sided keychain; front and back designs), then keep each design in their own folder that is properly titled.
- Do not merge any of these layers together.
- Please hide the "bleeding line" and "inner line" layers when saving the final PSD.

ContributorNaming ConventionFile Requirements
Page ArtistCreditName_TypeofPage#
e.g. khuo_Spread
- PDF or JPG
- 400 DPI and CMYK color mode
e.g. kryouma_eyeshandsheart
- Google Doc
Merch ArtistCreditName_TypeOfMerch#
e.g. zeph_emote2
e.g. zeph_standee1
- Digital: PNG
- Physical: PSD
- 300 DPI and RGB color mode

Artist Guidelines

Templates have been provided with the correct file size and color profile for all page types. Please use the templates provided.Mods: Contact freely if you require assistance or feedback!
- Kumi (@kumiamii)
- Mars (@sqwigeon)
- Lav (@lavvkii)
- Khuo (@khuo)


Piece Options:
- Page, Spread, and Spot
Artists will be able to choose between a single page piece (page), a piece that spans two pages (spread).
- Additionally, the option to collaborate with a writer for an accompanying piece to their written work is highly encouraged (spot).
400 DPI and CMYK color mode

Page5.5 inch (+ bleed) × 8.5 inch (+ bleed)
Page11 inch (+ bleed) × 8.5 inch (+ bleed)
SpotLenient. Communicate with your writer to negotiate on sizing. (Sizing types below)

Writer Guidelines

Note: This format is primarily for final submissions. During check-ins you can format your pieces however you like.Mods: Contact freely if you require assistance or feedback!
- Jan (@kryouma)
- Dianna (@omontz)
- Miwa (@miwahanno)

Permissions on GoogleDoc:- editing/commenting for each check-in
- editing for the final submission.
Include at the top of piece:Title
Credit Name
Discord Tag
Content Warnings
General Formatting:- Highlight all italic, bold or other formatting in your piece.
- Both British and American English are fine.
- Use three asterisks (***) to break up scenes. No double spacing or special paragraph breaks.
- Text is to be left-aligned.
- Avoid any intentions unless absolutely imperative to the piece.
- 1.7 - 2k word range.

Mods will be standing by to help make edits, be sounding boards, as well as offer suggestions. Please do not hesitate to post WIPs or ping us if you need help during the creation process!This zine is SFW, so please keep it in mind while writing. Additionally, if you are worried that a certain topic you want to cover in your piece might not fit the bill, contact a mod for assistance.The word limit you will be working with for this zine is 2000 words. Please keep your pieces in the 1.7-2k range.

Merch Guidelines

Templates have been provided with the correct file size and color profile for all merch types. Please use the templates provided.Mods: Contact freely if you require assistance or feedback!
- Zeph (@sushiharas)
- Mars (@sqwigeon)
- Rainbow (@rainbowcheshire)
- Dianna (@omontz)

Digital Merch

300 DPI and RGB color mode

TypeDimensionsQuantity Range
Emotes/Icons500px × 500px4 - 6
Phone Wallpapers1240px × 1920px1 - 2
Desktop Wallpapers1920px × 1080px1 - 2
Coloring Page2480px × 3508px1 - 2

Physical Merch

300 DPI and CMYK Japan Color 2001 Coated color profileDo not outline your merch. The manufacturer will add outlines.

TypeDimensionsAdditional Details
Keychains, Stickers, Standees1000px × 1000px 
Enamel pins1000px × 1000px- Make sure you use vector lines.
- Try to use a limited amount of pantone colors.
- Use a single color for the line art and properly name the color as that color will represent the metal used for the pin.
Circle Buttons2.5 inch × 2.5 inch- Important pieces of your art such as characters and/or objects should be within the inner most line.
- The layer will be named "inner line". Your background should extend up to the line named "cutting line".
Sticker Sheet4.23 inch × 6.23 inch- Make sure to have 10mm of space around each sticker.
Print4.23 inch × 6.23 inch- Keep all important pieces within the innermost layer.
Fake Album Print4.98 inch × 4.98 inch- Keep all important pieces within the innermost layer.
Photocard5.74 inch × 8.74 inch- Keep all important pieces within the innermost layer.
Ticket2 inch × 6 inch- Keep all important pieces within the innermost layer.
Polaroid3.5 inch × 4.25 inch- Keep artwork within the transparent square.